Local fishermen who smoke cannabis or drink rum made from the plant’s leaves and branches have “an amazing ability to see in the dark,” according to pharmacologist M. E. West of the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica, who observed this 25 years ago. You can find more information about cannabis edible here. “It was hard to imagine anyone piloting a boat without a compass or light through such hazardous conditions,” he later declared after accompanying the crew of a fishing boat one dark night, “but I quickly realized that the individual who had smoked cannabis tea possessed far superior nocturnal vision than I had.” Looking to try something new? Check out this.
Researchers observed that mountain people and Moroccan fishermen who smoke hashish had the same improvements in night vision as those who took part in other studies. In 2002, another research team went to Morocco’s Rif Mountains to look into it further, giving one volunteer a manufactured cannabinoid and three others hashish. They used a newly developed instrument to evaluate the sensitivity of their night vision before and after administering a synthetic cannabinoid to one volunteer. According to West’s earlier findings, cannabis enhanced night vision in all three test individuals.
Another study now provides solid evidence in support of the notion that cannabis might help patients with night vision problems. The findings, which were released recently in the open access journal eLife, may be used to treat people with degenerative eye diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa in the future.
Cannabis is known to have an effect on brain synaptic transmissions. Since the retina is a quick extension of the central nervous system, comparing retinal processes in both recreational marijuana users and nonusers may provide more insight into the drug’s neurological effects, according to Laprevote and his colleagues.
The researchers looked at whether cannabis affected the function of retinal ganglion cells, which are cells that help nerves transmit messages to and from the brain. “We’re particularly interested in these ganglion cells because they function like brain neurons,” added Laprevote.
The retinogeniculate cells are responsible for converting light (visual stimulation) into a sequence of electrical pulses, known as action potentials, in the brain.
“The time it takes for signals to travel from the eye to the visual brain is critical for normal vision,” explained Dr. Laura Frishman, a professor and associate dean at The University of Houston College of Optometry who was not involved in the research.
The researchers examined the electrical and physiological response of retinal ganglion cells in 52 individuals: 28 marijuana users who had used the drug regularly for at least a year, and 24 non-users.
In terms of reaction time, cannabis users had a delayed response compared with non-users. The marijuana users registered 98.6 milliseconds on average, versus 88.4 for the control group.
Marijuana vs Glaucoma
The internet is rife with contradictory information, so I went to an authoritative source – the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s website. For the laypeople, I’ll try my best to translate a portion:
“The concept of marijuana’s effectiveness in the treatment of glaucoma dates back to the 1970s. Marijuana use was found to lower IOP. However, it is only for 3 to 4 hours at a time.
Glaucoma requires constant management 24 hours a day, which implies you’d have to smoke marijuana 6-8 times each day. But it doesn’t just affect the eyes; it also has an impact on your ability to drive, operate machinery, and function well in general.
This isn’t the only negative effect that cannabis has. Marijuana cigarettes include hundreds of chemicals that are harmful to the lungs. In addition, it affects short-term memory and attention when taken in high doses.
Intraocular pressure isn’t the only factor that causes optic nerve damage. “Glaucoma, which is a neurological illness similar to Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, has been linked with increased risk of tissue death,” according to recent research.
“There’s evidence that a drop in optic nerve blood flow can also harm patients with glaucoma. Furthermore, marijuana lowers both intraocular pressure and blood pressure, therefore it may hinder blood flow to the optic nerve and negate the benefits of having lowered intracranial pressure.”
I’m not going to argue with the Academy. I’m a small fish. It’s just odd that they only discuss smoking, when there are sweets, cookies, and other things that aren’t harmful to the lungs, which I believe last longer.
Do you know or have you seen someone who has had red eyes after eating or smoking marijuana? Have you ever been curious as to what causes it? In other words, do edibles make your eyes red, or is it only when smoking marijuana and becoming irritated by the smoke that they turn pink?
What Are Edibles Actually?
Edibles are foods or beverages containing cannabis. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including gummies, brownies, and beverages. Marijuana candies or meals include two active components: THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). Edibles can contain either one or both of these substances. The recent broad legalization of marijuana has only increased the demand for edibles.